Sheilagh Olivia Ann

Euphoria Vintage

Euphoria Vintage is a vintage store which I run online with my colleague. As well as choosing unique pieces to sell I style and act as Creative Director on the shoots. I have designed the logo and graphics used for the aesthetic on our online shop and social media. 

 Euphoria Vintage online shop

Euphoria Vintage online shop

Euphoria Vintage online shop

The logo and graphics were inspired by vintage imagery. We sell vintage clothes from the seventies up to the nineties so I felt the logo and graphics should reflect this. The smiley face was first designed in the sixties by Graphic Designer Harvey Ball. It has been used by the hippie culture in the seventies, in dance culture in the eighties and nineties and with the 90's Grunge scene. I wanted to reflect a sense of fun, something memorable, coupled with inspiration from modern day emoticons. 

Princess Diana is a huge inspiration today, and especially at Euphoria Vintage. 

Nobody wore 80's fashion better than Diana.

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